Save $1,200* on LASIK now with a referral from your eye doctor

*$600 off per eye. Must have treatment by 12/31/2024.

Your eye doctor knows your eyes best, so we believe your LASIK treatment journey should be a collaborative experience between you, your eye doctor, and our medical team.

Un enfoque personalizado del LASIK moderno

Cuando elige una consulta asociada a, está eligiendo una atención excepcional por parte de un equipo que da prioridad a sus necesidades y a sus soluciones visuales únicas. Desde el inicio de la investigación sobre LASIK hasta el seguimiento posterior, nuestro experimentado equipo y nuestro cirujano experto en LASIK le acompañarán a lo largo de todo el proceso. Compruebe usted mismo por qué los optometristas locales recomiendan a sus pacientes la red de cirujanos concertando una cita con nosotros hoy mismo.

Avance Tecnológico

LASIK moderno significa tecnología 100% sin bisturí para cada paciente y pruebas rigurosas para determinar si usted es un candidato seguro para LASIK y el uso de tecnología láser avanzada, como los láseres de femtosegundo para la creación del colgajo corneal y los láseres excimer para la remodelación precisa de la córnea. Además, Modern LASIK utiliza la tecnología Custom Wavefront Optimized, que permite un tratamiento altamente personalizable, teniendo en cuenta las características únicas de sus ojos. Esta personalización puede mejorar los resultados visuales.

Media estrella

Reputación excepcional

Los cirujanos de nuestra red deben ser miembros confiables de la comunidad con sólidas revisiones y experiencia. Con más de 86.800 opiniones de 5 estrellas y una puntuación media en Google de 4,9 estrellas, puedes estar seguro de que acudirás a centros y cirujanos de prestigio mundial.


Enfoque de Personalización

La visión de cada persona es diferente. Nuestra red apuesta por la cirugía ocular LASIK 100% sin bisturí, individualizada y personalizada. No hay enfoques de «talla única». Si es un candidato seguro, nos informamos sobre usted y sus antecedentes visuales para ofrecerle sus opciones de corrección visual.

Proceso sencillo y sin complicaciones

Su oftalmólogo sólo tiene que introducir sus datos en nuestro portal LASIK, donde podrá concertar una cita directamente con el centro oftalmológico de su elección y seguir todo el proceso LASIK. Facilitamos a su médico la carga de exámenes e incluso puede volver a ellos para cualquier cuidado postoperatorio. Se lo ponemos fácil a usted y a su médico para que pueda entusiasmarse con el LASIK y no tenga que preocuparse por ningún proceso complicado.

Experiencia Superior

Los cirujanos de nuestra red son proveedores certificados, altamente capacitados y enfocados en LASIK. Tendrá acceso a algunos de los cirujanos más experimentados del país. En sólo colaboramos con centros que se centran en procedimientos modernos y fiables de corrección de la visión (LASIK/PRK), no en procedimientos experimentales ni en procedimientos que no son de corrección de la visión, como las cataratas.


Compromiso de Por Vida

Aunque la cirugía ocular LASIK es una solución de corrección de la visión a largo plazo, un pequeño porcentaje de pacientes necesita un nuevo tratamiento tras la intervención inicial. Puede estar seguro de que está cubierto gratuitamente de por vida. Incluso si se muda, nuestra red cuenta con cientos de centros en todo Estados Unidos. (Se aplican algunas restricciones)

Por qué su médico confía en

Expertos en LASIK de confianza

La red incluye a muchas personas que han participado directamente en el desarrollo de láseres avanzados utilizados para la corrección de la visión con láser, técnicas médicas y el avance del propio procedimiento LASIK. Aunque es natural tener preguntas cuando se piensa en LASIK, la red de profesionales médicos de está aquí para ayudarle a obtener las respuestas que necesita. Está en manos de los mejores talentos del país.

Preguntas frecuentes

Is LASIK Affordable? network providers are focused on making LASIK affordable for anyone who wants it, which is why they offer guaranteed financing‡ to all of their patients. They also offer multiple payment plans and will work with you to select the plan that best fits your monthly budget.  

Is LASIK Painful? 

No. Most patients say they experience very little sensation at all during LASIK, other than some light pressure. The eye is very easy to numb with drops alone! 

What Should I Expect After LASIK? 

You will notice improved, yet somewhat blurry vision as soon as you sit up from your procedure. But before you can use that new vision, you will be asked to go home and take a long nap (3-4 hours) to give your eyes a rest. You will come back for a quick post-operative follow-up within a few days following your procedure. Most patients are back to normal activities the next day! 

How Long Does the Procedure Take? 

The LASIK procedure itself is very fast, with most patients being in the OR for 10-15 minutes and the laser application taking only a few minutes.

Lo que Dice la Gente

An overall amazing experience and I’m so pleased with the results! The whole process was like a well-oiled machine, they see many patients a day and do procedures all day but still managed to keep it streamlined and personal! Many thanks to the kind staff and doctors, went from 20/200 with astigmatism to 20/20 vision in a matter of 24 hrs! Highly recommended!!!
Juliana M. from a week ago

Juliana M.

a week ago

LASIK was the best decision ever! The procedure was very quick and not painful at all! The after care instructions are very easy! I love how they played music to distract you from hearing the machines and how I got a stuffed animal to hold during the procedure! Everyone was very nice and make you feel very welcoming!
Selyy C. from a week ago

Selyy C.

a week ago

Jim was awesome, honest and not money driven. Easily could have charged to to have my right eye done too and I would not have never know. He suggested doing just my left eye and after 4 days I’m back to 20/15, the Dr. was as well. Very professional staff the day of the procedure always makes things a bit calmer.
Paul M. from a week ago

Paul M.

a week ago

The LASIK vision institute is life changing! Within 24 hours I had perfect vision! The staff puts you at ease and made the whole experience enjoyable and comfortable. Will be recommending to all of my glasses and contact wearing friends!
Justin S. from 3 weeks ago

Justin S.

3 weeks ago

Had an amazing experience at TLC and everyone in the office was amazing. Jayda and Jim were very helpful and knowledgeable answering any questions I had. The procedure was quick and easy but of course everyone has different experiences when they go home but it was explained and I knew exactly what I was in for. I highly recommend going there.
Whitney N. from 4 weeks ago

Whitney N.

4 weeks ago

Great experience overall. The staff is friendly and efficient. The procedure is very quick and the doctors and nurses communicate the entire time to let you know what’s happening and what to expect. Had my procedure and after a 4 hour nap was amazed how well I could see and carry on normal activity. Simple after care instructions and an easy follow up. Said goodbye to daily contacts after 30 years!
Shannon M. from a month ago

Shannon M.

a month ago

Everyone was very kind, and very efficient! Though my appointment took two hours, it flew by so fast. Dr. Wills was extremely kind and guided me through every step of the way as he said. The technicians were really nice, and I can’t even begin to describe how happy I am with the procedure and this experience. I’ve been blind since I was 9 years old, so this is still strange to see so clearly…
Triana L. from a month ago

Triana L.

a month ago

It’s only my third day post op, and I am so happy with the improvement in my vision! The whole process, from the initial consultation to the surgery day to the follow up appointment, were seamless. Shelby took great care of me at the consult and answered all the questions I had before deciding to move forward. Dr. Moon answered all of my questions on the day of surgery, made me feel calm, and kept…
Beth M. from 2 months ago

Beth M.

2 months ago

Great experience! I was checked up by a technician who is so interesting. The surgery is only 5 minutes. It was uncomfortable for several hours after the surge. But I took PM pills. Waking up with clear visison – fantastic
Muoi x. from 2 months ago

Muoi x.

2 months ago

Best experience ever! I was super nervous and anxious about the procedure Dr. Kim was amazing including his staff explaining the procedure and walking me through every step. It’s honestly not as scary as it sounds gained 20/15 vision over the weekend. Dr. Tarrant was amazing before and after the procedure. Recommend 100% don’t wait do it!
Amber M. from 3 months ago

Amber M.

3 months ago

It’s been almost a week now since getting my lasik done, and I have been super happy with the overall experience. The staff is extremely kind, sweet, and helpful. They greet you by name, remind you of all appointments with both a phone call and text. They have coffee available in the lounge and the lady at the front desk is more than willing to help in any way including offering to help you make…
Chantel R. from 11 months ago

Chantel R.

11 months ago

I came here for a LASIK consultation with very little research. I was very happy to hear that Dr Stonecipher teaches classes all over the world, and I have met multiple people including my optometrist who had LASIK done by him. I couldn’t be happier with my results after my surgery. I have 20/15 vision now! I was very nervous about the whole thing but the staff was very kind and patient with me. The…
Amy S. from a year ago

Amy S.

a year ago

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